The favour of God is all
en-compassing. His favour opens you up to His help which is the prerogative of
God. He alone can favour and help absolutely without contention and
controversy. Our God is still in the business of helping His children out
of challenges and problems. When God favours you, challenges will become
stepping stones for you.
Beloved, this world is a battle
field and every man or woman has a battle to fight. A lot of people
understand the battles they are fighting while some are completely ignorant of
their battles. A lot of people have been reduced to casualties in the
battles of faith.
In Mark 4 v 35 - 39,
out Lord Jesus Christ rebuked the wind, the sea and the wind had no option but
to obey Jesus, because He is the creator of all the forces of nature.
Brethren, I want you to know and
believe right early, that by the favour of God, the same voice which spoke
against the storm will speak against every storm in your life in Jesus
name. Mark 4 v 39 says "And He arose and rebuked the
wind" I say to you, in the name of Jesus concerning what you are going
through, God will arise to help you.
There are several situations of
life, which can be classified as battles of life. Battles vary in their
intensity. Battles differ and your warfare does not assume the same
dimension at all times, but whatever form it takes, you need divine
intervention and help, you need God to arise for your help.
No man is exempted from the battles
of life, in fact there is no escape for any mortal born of a woman.
Whether you expect it or not, storms and battles of life will come.
Why Do You
Need GOD to Arise for Your Sake?
- Because the storms and battles of life do not give prior warning to anyone before they strike.
- The storms of life differ with individuals i.e. the manner in which the storms manifest themselves differ from one person to the other.
- The storms and battles of life do not discriminate between the rich and the poor or the illiterate and the literate.
- When the battles of life come against you, friends and family will become helpless in helping you, in fact, they may worsen your case.
- Battles and storms of life can make you bitter.
- Age or experience cannot shield you from the battles or storms of life i.e. the young people as well as old men and women have their own share of the battles of life.
Beloved, for your life to make
meaning, you need to cry unto God for Him to arise for your sake.
Those To
Ask God To Arise On Their Behalf
- Those who want to sing a NEW SONG at all cost.
- Those who are constantly been challenged by dark powers continuously.
- Those having a re-occuring negative dreams aborting their goodness
- Those suffering from FREQUENT ABORTION of goodness.
- Those who had never risen up before.
- Those who have been operating in the tail end of life.
- Those whose lives don't attract goodness
- Those whose destines don't retain good thing.
- Those having Acute and Unexplainable frequent disappointment, same pattern over the year.
- Those under occultic Manipulation.
- Those experiencing Terrible spiritual attacks
- Those having Unabated terrible destiny demoting dreams
- Those having Prolonged court case, Sibling rivalry, Sickness, Labour without results
- Those experiencing Tied down pregnancy
- Those having repeated Examination Failure
- Those having Promotional Manipulation
- Those who have Overstayed in a wrong place
- Those who have Talents but not being recognised for long.
- Those experiencing long awaiting for the Fruit of the womb.
- Those dancing round the circle for too long
- Those having Terrible monitoring and trailing spirits on rampage
- Those with stubborn Parental Wickedness sponsoring embargo on Marriage, Prosperity and Health
- Those having blockage anywhere they turn to
- Those who are now a laughing stock.
Cases of Those God Arose for Their Cases
- In 2 Kings 8 v 3 - 6 - God arose for the Shunammite woman and restored her inheritance.
- In 2 Kings 7 v 1 - 19 - God arose concerning the nation of Samaria and gave an abundance of food after a long period of famine.
- In Numbers 27 v 1 - 11 - God arose concerning the children of Zelophad, He gave them on inheritance and also amended the law of inheritance in Israel.
- In Judges 11 v 1 - 11 - God arose regarding the case of Jephthah, a man that the battles of life has labelled an outcast and make him a person to be reckoned with in his fathers family.
- In 2 Chronicles 4 v 9 - God arose for Jabez
- In Acts 16 v 25 v 28 - Paul and Silas were favoured by God
- In Acts 12 v 6 - 13 - God arose for Apostle Peter
- In Daniel 6 v 1 - 28 - God arose for Daniel
Brethren, where God's "favour
arises" for a man, His beauty will be upon him as in Psalm 90 v 17.
God will establish the work of his hands. He will open doors of
blessing that no man can shut, according to Revelation 3 v 8.
- His enemies are scattered
- The earth trembles
- The sea flees
- The mountains and the hills quake and skip like little lambs
- Jordan is driven back
- The Sun and the Moon stand still in their habitation
- The nations and kingdoms tremble and bow before Him
- The horse and the rider are thrown into the sea
- The heavens drop down plentiful rain and the dew
- Terror and amazement grips His enemies
- Confusion and commotion send the enemy into disarray
- Beauty is given for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning
- The earth yields her increase
- Prison doors are opened
- Chains and shackles are broken
- The prisoners and captives are set free
- The victim becomes the victor
- Death is swallowed up in victory
- The Conquered becomes the conqueror
- Impossibility becomes possible
- The irreversible is reversed
- The predator (pursuer) himself becomes a prey
- The hungry lions become friendly and harmless
- The Fiery furnace becomes air conditioned fire
- Pharaoh and his hosts are drowned in the Red Sea
- Streams appear in the desert
- The desert places blossom as the rose
- Miracle waters gush out of solid rocks
- All creation sing His praises
- He will clear off all barriers both in the spirit and physical realms, barriers that hitherto has hindered or prevented you from moving forward.
- He will make a way for you where men say there is no way.
- Your level will change
- Uncommon success will become your portion
- You will break new grounds
- You will experience breakthrough visitation
- People will be willing to help you
- Disfavour and hatred will vamoose
- Delay will disappear
- People will favour and love you
- Promotion will overtake you
- Opposition will give way
- Your steps will lead to good success
- Your hands will have a "Midas touch"
- God will circulate your name for favour
- Stumbling blocks are removed
- You will become a testimony
- Your past pains will be completely erased from your memory.
- You will become a good reference point
- Your lost axe head will be recovered
- Marah water becomes sweet
- Doors of help and helpers will be opened
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